Steve Beigel's Footprints

A Hot Buttered Guff™ Production

White Collar Crime At Arbortext

The Rape of Blueberry (see Table Of Contents to the right) tells the story of Accounting Fraud, software royalty fraud, and Intellectual Property Theft by Arbortext, Incorporated in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It names the company owner (Jim Sterken) and the executives (Ray Schiavone, Dave Peralta, Jim Haggarty, Cherie Van Allen, and Joyce Svechota) who conspired with him to commit these white collar crimes – the CEO, CFO, CIO, Controller, and Director of Product Management. It tells how their crimes were covered up by a Plante Moran auditor (Mark Robinson), which faciliated an Acquisition by Parametric Technology, and eventually led to a highly suspicious decision by an American Arbitration Association arbitrator (Kathryn J. Humphrey).  All of these villains and entities are located in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area of Michigan.

This is a fascinating and highly entertaining story that will take you on a journey through the polluted justice system of America and make you laugh, make you cry, and make you shake your head in bewilderment and disgust.

If you are not interested in the action packed, death defying, throat-clutching, heart-pounding narrative of this amazing story, and are only concerned with examining the evidence, you can read the following seven posts and the Gist of The Case should be clear and convincing. These are not nice people. Their greed, arrogance, and disregard of the law represent a microcosm of the corporate attitudes and policies that have currently brought such economic disaster to this country.

Chapter Eight: First Evidentiary Exhibits of Fraud
Chapter Ten: The Disappearance of $4,000,000
Chapter Thirty-One: The Extraordinary Fear of Audits
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Plante Moran Cover Up
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Demand Letter To Arbortext
Chapter Forty-Five: The Smoking Gun
Arbortext Royalty Fraud: The Piracy List
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September 30, 2008 Posted by | Business, Law, News, Software, Stories, Writing | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment